
十大最好的网赌平台 owns 100% of 波罗的海电缆 AB, the owner and operator of the underwater interconnector 波罗的海电缆.

波罗的海电缆 is an underwater high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line. It runs 250 kilometres from 瑞典 to 德国, and is the only interconnector connecting price zones SE4 (瑞典 4) and DE-LU (德国-Luxembourg). The cable began operations in 1994, and has a net interconnection capacity of 600 MW. In 2019, 波罗的海电缆 AB was certified as an independent Transmission System Operator (TSO) under the German Energy Industry Act by the German regulator BNetzA.

波罗的海电缆 is a vital part of the European electricity network. It contributes to European market integration through providing valuable capacity to the market and facilitating the exchange of renewable energy.


As a shareholder in several Norwegian utility companies, we use our own experience and perspectives to develop these companies industrially with the ultimate goal of maximising long-term value creation.


Skagerak Energi AS

十大最好的网赌平台 acquired 34% of SKK and Vestfold Kraft in 2000. In 2001, the two companies were merged to Skagerak Energi and 十大最好的网赌平台 increased its ownership to 66.6%.

老板 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 66.6%
斯基恩市 15.21%
Porsgrunn市 14.83%
班布尔市 3.34%



十大最好的网赌平台 acquired an ownership position in Eviny in 1999 and increased ownership to 49.2002年为9%. 售后6.5 per cent in 2018/2019, 十大最好的网赌平台’s current ownership is at 43.4%.

老板 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 43.4%
卑尔根市 37.8%
Several municipalities and two municipally owned entities (Kraftlag) own the remaining shares 18.8%


Å Energi AS

十大最好的网赌平台 acquired an ownership position in Å Energi AS in 2002.

老板 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 33,3 %
27 municipalities in Agder and Buskerud county own the remaining shares 66,6 %

Shareholdings in 挪威电厂

Through 十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS, 十大最好的网赌平台 has ownership interests in several 挪威电厂 which are operated by other companies.


Sira Kvina DA

十大最好的网赌平台 has shareholdings in power plants operated by the Sira Kvina power company, 包括Duge, Tjørhom, Roskrepp, Kvinen, Solhom, Tonstad, Åna Sira and Hunnevatn pump. 

公司 所有权份额
溶解Produksjon 41.1%
十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS 32.1%
Skagerak Kraft AS 14.6%
Agder Energi Produksjon AS 12.2%


Røldal Suldal Kraft AS (RSK)

Through the power company Røldal Suldal Kraft AS, 十大最好的网赌平台 has shareholdings in power plants in the Røldal-Suldal system, 包括Middyr, Midtlæ蒙古包, Svandalsflona, 本小说, Røldal, Suldal我, Suldal二世, Kvanndal和Vasstøl.

Norsk Hydro is the operator of the power plants in the Røldal-Suldal system and is responsible for daily operation. The Røldal-Suldal system was originally developed in the 1960s to secure power for Hydro's aluminium production in Karmøy.

公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS 8.74%
挪威水电公司 91.26%

Røldal Suldal Kraft AS owns 54.79% of the Røldal-Suldal facilities. 剩下的45个.21 per cent is owned by Norsk Hydro. 十大最好的网赌平台’s ownership share in the Røldal-Suldal power plants is therefore 4.79%. 



The hydropower development in Aurland started in the summer of 1969. 进出口公司Energi, a company in the Hafslund E-CO Group, is the operator of the Aurland power plants which include Aurland I, Fossane泵, Aurland二世, Aurland三世, 奥兰四世(南方), Aurland V (Reppa) and Leinafoss. 十大最好的网赌平台 does not have ownership interests in Leinafoss. 

公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS 7%
进出口公司Energi 93%



Solbergfoss is a collaboration between E-CO and 十大最好的网赌平台. E-CO is the operator of the power plant and is responsible for daily operations.

公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS 33.33%(所有权至35.产量的6%) 
E-CO能源公司 66.66%


The power plants in Orkla (KVO)

The power plants in Orkla (Kraftverkene i Orkla DA) was established in 1978 for the hydropower development in Orkla. Aneo is the operator of the power plants which include, Ulset, Svorkmo, 基粒, Brattset和Litjfossen. 

公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 Energi AS 48.6%
TrønderEnergi Kraft AS  35%
edsiva vannkraft AS 12%
Nord-Østerdal krafflag SA 4.4%